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"Hands Clean, Enterovirus Go Away" the Yunlin County Intestinal Virus Prevention Advocacy

Yunlin County government news reference 102.03.12 Yunlin County Health Department on the morning of the 12th Touliu come to kindergarten handle the "clean hands, not close enterovirus enterovirus prevention advocacy activities, cute kids from kindergarten" hand washing dance performances, advocacy people enterovirus epidemic season upcoming appeal to the universal common prevention; the Health Secretary Wu Zhaojun led children, demonstration of good handwashing (wet, rub, red, holding, rubbing), effective prevention of enterovirus occurrence.

Secretary Wu points out that enterovirus is highly contagious, mainly through the gastrointestinal tract (fecal - oral, water or food contamination) or respiratory (droplets, coughing or sneezing) infection, also become infected through contact with the patients skin blisters liquid and. A few days before the onset of the throat area and faeces can be found a virus that infectivity usually strongest within 1 week after the onset of contagious; patients sustainable via intestinal release virus for up to 8-12 weeks. Although enterovirus infection and strong, but by simple health care action "wash their hands", to develop good personal hygiene habits, you can reduce the chances of infection, the Health Bureau reminded the public, teaching childcare institutions and densely populated places most likely to spread should avoid carrying infants and young children to crowded public places, and avoid contact with enterovirus patients, and should pay special attention to infant health habits, cuddle, feeding the infant before, both children and adults be sure to wash your hands (wet rub , red, holding, rubbing), to reduce the chance of infants infected with enterovirus.

Secretary Wu said, enterovirus infection, each year the epidemic began to rise in late March, after reaching a peak at the end of May to mid-June, and that is slowly reducing, and again after a wave of popular school in September,based on previous monitoring data show that the younger children. enterovirus infection with severe and the death of the high-risk groups, caused by the type main EV71 enterovirus infection with severe complications, coxsackievirus second with myasthenia fatality rate of about 1.3% to25.7%.

The Secretary wants emphasized in 1998, Taiwan has been caused by enterovirus pandemic, then the the National Severe number of 405, and the deaths of 78 people, the death rate of 19.3%. The past five years again in 2008, the most serious, severe cases of 373 cases, 14 cases of deaths, rather Yunlin Countys 19 cases of severe cases and deaths in two cases. The national enterovirus infection with severe confirmed cases, 153 cases in 2012, two cases of deaths, Yunlin County in 2012, only 1 case of severe confirmed cases of the virus type EV71 Community enterovirus monitoring mining seized 163 cases detected in the intestinal 71 46 virus, the positive rate was 28%. Yunlin County in 2012 to teach childcare institutions be closed 132 trips, be closed 5 trips so far this year, amassing effective Yunlin enterovirus prevention.

Education Department Deputy Commissioner Sun Mian Huang said, of preschool infants enterovirus complicated by severe high risk group, and the rapid development of severe course of the disease, only a few hours of the gold treatment time, remind parents home infants diagnosed by a physician as enterovirus should seek isolation from other children, and reduce exposure to reduce the chance of cross-infection, and observe whether severe precursory symptoms, such as "lethargy, confusion, poor vitality, weakness in limbs, muscle pumping jump (without cause shock or a sudden contraction of muscles), persistent vomiting with shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, "once the symptoms, be sure to immediately and sent to the big hospitals to receive appropriate treatment, master the treatment of prime time.