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Yunlin County News References 2014.10. 19

The closure of Yunlin sports event starts 3pm and will be held in the Auditorium of Dounan High School on the 19th of October 2014. Master of ceremony is Qiu, Xiao-Wen, the Director of Education Department. There are total of 17 criteria including Athletics and Aquatics.

Qiu, Xiao-Wen, the Director of Education Department indicated that he is on behave of the Yunlin County Government to thank all staffs that involved in organizing and helping, also congratulate to teams whom have performed well. At the same time sending big respect to athletes that never give up.

This event had last for three days and was crowed with people. Total of 2455 athletes involved in sports event that after 440 gold medals. Events records on Athletics and Aquatics were overwrite by 18 people, rewards were giving together with best support by government. The atmosphere were great, athletics at full capacity and fellow countrymens cheering show us a healthy Yunlin that love sports.

Its time to come to the end, Yunlin County Government hopes this positive spirit to continue and make Yunlin, the kingdom of Sports shine. Right here, we share, we grow, we learn and we communicate just like one big family. In addition, hoping joy, peace and great future to all Yunlin people.