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A Lesson from Tokyo Auction Market: Restriction on air pollution by adapting electronic carrier

Lee Chinyong, Magistrate of Yunlin County together with General Director of

Agriculture Department, Zhang Shizhong had visited an Oda auction market in Tokyo.

The very first impression to the market by Magistrate Lee is how organized and clean

it is. Later on, a clear difference was spotted between the market of Oda and the

market of Yunlin. Oda market had implemented non-air polluted e-carrier which

transports agricultural goods internally leaving a clean environment. This pollution-

free transportation system is what our market should be like, said by County

Governor Lee.

In addition, Magistrate Lee had also attended an international food exhibition in

Tokyo and has carefully listened to an agricultural advice regarding shifting goods

from Taiwan to Japan particularly. He has earned great advice and would reconsider

developing of Xiluo market in future since it is the largest productive market among

four that produce vegetable and fruit in Yunlin County, Taiwan.

General Director Zhang pointed that the Oda market is approximately 38.6 acres

including modernized equipments and it is distributed into four categories:

vegetables, fruits, water-made goods and flowers. Moreover, it clearly appeared that

the space did a marvelous work on its internal design. The roof height of the building

is 10 meters in order for the intake of natural sunlight, and as well as having a good

air circulation allowing reduction of energy cost. Apart from that, transportation of

electricity or fuel to the equipment is inbuilt that will not affect the quality of air.

On the other hand, vegetable-fruit packages have had fix style of packing which piled

in order to deliver systematically and to provide ample protection against collision.

Magistrate Lee emphasized that Oda market can be the sample for planning Xiluo

market’s reconstruct as Oda market being the largest supply market in Tokyo

supplying one fourth of the population.