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Contents of real estate advertisement should be accurate and should include the name of the brokerage firm

Yunlin County Government News Reference 104.10.19

The county government has recently received multiple case filings of false real estate advertisement.

The brokerage firms must ensure the authenticity and accuracy of all information appeared on the advertisement, as well as the brokerage firm name, to avoid penalty.

According to Article 21 Sec1 & Sec2 of Real Estate Broking Management Act, the brokerage firms can post advertisement only after engaged with the principal via signing of contract. The content of the advertisement should only reflect facts about the underlying properties. Based on Article 29 Sec.1 & Sec.3 of the same act, a fine of no less than 60,000 NTD and no more than 300,000 NTD will be imposed to violations of Article 21 Sec1 & Sec2. Any delay in corrective actions will be punished consecutively.

You may contact the County Land Administration Office directly at 05-5522703 for any questions.