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Sport iTwaiwan, 600 people walk in Dapi township

Dapi Township Athletic Association held 2016 iTaiwan sport city promotion. There were road and exercise walking for promoting citizen dynamic exercise and cultivating citizens exercise hobbies on 25th. After Mayor Xie Ming Ping announced, 600 participants started running and most of participant’s run as a family. Starting from Dapi junior high school to Shangyi, Songzhu, Nanhe village, people feel the atmosphere of own town and connect with each other. Xie Ming Ping expressed, exercise let people have more energy and better health. According informal statistics, there are only 30% citizens exercise regularly. Through this promotion, we hope citizens have exercise atmosphere. Deputy Director of Education Department of County Government Sun, Jin Feng, board director of Athletic Association Ou, Jian Sheng, legislators Zhang,li shan, secretary of Magistrate Wang, Feng Ji, Zhang, Yu Xian went to promotion exercise with people. The prizes are abundant including daily cleaning and bicycle.