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County Government Visits Lisbon Portugal: Biological Treatment System Exchange

Yunlin County Government’s “European Visitation Team” arrived in Lisbon, Portugal on the 23rd this month to visit the Portuguese Valnor Health Center; a solid waste treatment and recycling plant that handles municipal solid waste (MSW) and kitchen waste. Through the process of anaerobic digestion, aerobic and mechanical sorting and other various technologies, the plant handles approximately 10 million tons of waste on an annual basis (25 tons per hour), resulting in biogas, compost and other resources.

Resitejo MBT plant was also visited, a plant that collects solid waste from the 2,500-square kilometer city, which has an approximate population of 210,000 people. Waste stream circulation is a new concept for MASIAS. It is managed by a drum-type biological drying equipment, handling over 300 tons of garbage, recyclable products and Green SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel). Resources derived from the waste of organic ingredients, cellulose, and other forms of plastic which can be used for the power plants, cement kilns combustion, leaves roughly only 4-6% of material left for final treatment.

In addition to processing municipal solid waste, the Resitejo plant also processes industrial waste. The county government is assessing the construction of an MBT plant, which can address issues of processing garbage, and potentially help with industrial waste as well. From the visit, the county government was able to better understand the effects of joining the cause of waste disposal, and the impact SRF products will have on quality and provide further alternative thinking for the county.