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Culture in Yunlin

  Yunlin County is a simple but tradition-rich place where many traditional cultures have taken root and prospered. One of the most famous traditional performance arts is Budaixi(puppet) plays. Huang, Hai-dai and his son Huang, Jyun-hsiung wrote a significant page in the history of Taiwanese puppet dramas by passing down the art and making it more popular.

  Chang, Rong-Wei is very concerned about both the quality and quantity of cultural activities such as introducing the opera "Madame Butterfly,"planning the artistic corridors on the Siluo Bridge, and establishing of the Museum of Puppet Dramas As for historical buildings, Chang instructs the relevant persons to preserve, and safeguard them carefully and to try to reuse them. The goal of all these activities is to enhance the culture and living quality of county residents.

  The Yunlin County Bureau of Cultural Affairs is responsible for all cultural activities in the county. It holds all kinds of exhibitions, speeches, performances and studies to promote the arts and all related activities. The Temple Arts Museum, where all deities worshiped in Taiwan and all kinds of puppets in puppet plays are displayed, is located in the Bureau. This is the first museum of its kind in Taiwan.