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Friends argued and chopped at each other and they were sent to hospital.

Today (105/July/25th) a murder case is under investigation by Yunlin County Police Department. The male surnamed as Yang went to the place of Mr. Lees residence. After having an angry argument, both of them held the knife to chop each other, in the end, both were got injured. Mr. Yang is seriously injured with life-threatening. Mr. Lee has minor injuries, after bandaging he is in stable condition, and at present he is still kept in hospital under observation. After Touliu Police received the report, the police officers were immediately sent to protect the victims, carry on investigation and evidence collection.

Police revealed that today(105/July/25th) at 10 am, the male surnamed as Yang (36 years old, from Dounan Township) went to the place of Mr. Lees residence(43 years old, from Linnei Township), both of them were originally on the second floor, but actually we did not know why the quarrel was occurred, MR. Yang picked up the machete to chop MR. Lee who was squatting on the ground and polishing multipurpose Knives, MR. Lee also hit back with holding a multipurpose knife, both of them held the knives to chop each other from on the second floor to the first floor, in the end, both were got injured. MR. Yang’s neck was hurt by the knife with seriously life-threatening. The neighbor discovered the case and reported to the police. Both of them were sent to the hospital. After the police received the report, the police officers were immediately sent to protect the two victims and went to the crime scene to carry on investigation and evidence collection. The case is treated as murder accusation.