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Paying attention to the elderly women in Yunlin, the county government published the book "Meet the Missing Self", which recorded the second life journey of 8 local women

The Yunlin County Government, with the support of the feedback Fund of the Public Welfare Lottery of Social and Family Affairs Administration (SFAA), Ministry of Health and Welfare, entrusted Association for the Protection of Women, Yunlin County to jointly promote innovative localized women's welfare service plans, and follow Yunlin through the "Times Healing Heavenly Room Program" The county's middle-aged and elderly women published the first book "Meeting the Missing Self" that truly recorded the struggle of 8 local women for their second life, so that the society could have a better understanding of the situation of these rural middle-aged and elderly women. For more dialogue and understanding; this afternoon (22), a new book launch was held at the Ou-convex Coffee-Tunan Pavilion. Magistrate Chang Li-shan and Deputy Magistrate Xie Shu-ya came to express their support and affirmation. SFAA's Team-leader Du Cirong also led the team to participate to express the central government's attention and concern.